Recently Denied for Social Security Disability Benefits

What Now?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a payroll-funded program to supplement the income of those unable to work due to disability. For an individual to be eligible for SSDI, the disability must last for at least a year or be terminal. The disabled individual must also be under age 65 to be eligible, as 65 is normally the age of Medicare eligibility.

To be eligible for SSDI, individuals must have accumulated a prescribed number of Social Security credits (normally accumulated through work experience and payment into Social Security) during the 10 years immediately preceding disability. Requirements vary according to age, and those suffering disability before age 23 may be able to draw on their parents’ Social Security credits without affecting their parents’ eligibility for SSDI.

I’ve recently been denied for SSDI. What can I do now?

Unfortunately, you’re not alone, because over 60% of SSDI claims are denied. Many people submit documentation showing eligibility for SSDI only to learn they’ve overlooked a minor detail or two that can lead to denial. This, of course, underscores the importance of getting every detail in your SSDI application correct and presenting clear documentary evidence of your disability and inability to work. But if your claim has already been denied, you need to know about your right to appeal.

If you’ve been denied Social Security disability benefits, you should have received a letter from the Social Security Administration giving the reason for denial. If you disagree with the decision or are prepared to submit further information or documentation to support your claim for SSDI benefits, you need to request an appeal in writing within 60 days of receiving the letter.

You may begin the appeals process by visiting

There are four steps to the appeals process. Reconsideration is a simple review of your claim, allowing you the option of submitting new information or documentation. The next step, if necessary, involves a hearing by an administrative law judge. Next, if necessary, is consideration by the Social Security Appeals Council. Finally, after the other steps have been exhausted, you have the right to file a lawsuit in Federal Court.

If you’d like further information about your Social Security disability options, MedicareMall will be happy to answer any questions. And, of course, if there’s anything you’d like to know about Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, Medicare Advantage, or Medigap plans, MedicareMall will be happy to answer those questions, too. Contact MedicareMall now and we’ll make it our priority to see you get the health care or disability coverage that’s right for you.

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Social Security Disability Conditions